Monday, 27 May 2013


Future Work:
I have to plan meeting people better than I have been, where meeting people has had to be cancelled last minute because I got lost, or lecturers have not been asked until last minute.

First Shoots
30th April; photographing Ruth.
Went well, I had the images I wanted very quickly - however they will need editing as the room she was studying in was very dark.

2nd May; photographing Becky
This was a much easier shoot, as we were not in a small dark room, but walking around the university; however, several photos were over exposed and may be unusable

3rd May; photographing Luke
We were in a small coffee shop for this shoot, it was, by far, the easiest and most successful session I have done for this project.

23rd May; Studio Session
Went well - best photograph is of Ruth, Becky and Luke were more difficult. Becky because I wasn't sure how to convey journalism and we didn't have a table for her laptop; Luke because he doesn't know what he will be doing in the future. Samantha Temoszczuk took my photograph for me - But I directed her on how to take the photograph, the outcome was just as good as the rest of the photos I took.

 The photographs from this session went extremely well, however they did need some editing -these are 4 example photographs not being used in the exhibition:

 These are some final edits - there are some more, but I am debating which to use

Evidence of Planning (for Studio Session - all other sessions were organised over the phone, and I forgot to write them down)

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